Monday, April 8, 2024



Acryllic. High hurdle and a hammer throw. Complimentary human forms are aligned in color synchrony. Athletic paraphernalia is purposely absented to allow for connections between colors and athletic forms.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Fake Steps at Holiday Season


Models pose with short, tenuous steps. In order to advertise holiday clothing and shoes, male and female models lift their foot in a sort of faux or false step. Tell me why this pose makes these attractive? people more nature

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

 Accepted into Blue Line Gallery's member show, the collage Boxed Leaves was honored by the Santa Monica paper importer (Hiromi Paper) that supplied the unique Japanese Gampi paper for the work.

Displayed on a specially designed pyramidal scaffold, the same collage is suitable for out-of-doors showing.