Friday, July 13, 2018

Art Resume

for William R. Laws III
      916 451-9518
      5819 12th Av.
      Sacramento, CA  95820

Purpose: Artist seeks gallery collaboration. Desired show contract for new line of
                appealing still life paintings. Seeking team of curators to collaboratively
                build a strategic artistic and marketing point-of-view.

Education:  Independent Study, Mexican Muralists. Ibero-Americana U. 
                  MA English, California State University 1976
                  Ph.D. study (Dissertation incomplete) U.C. Davis. Ethnography in Education. 2001

Shows:     Water colors and pastels of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
                 Elizabath Attard, Branch Supervisor. Sacramento Public Library
                 Eclectic Showing.  Marco Fuoco Gallery  Sept. 2010          
                10 of artist's collages shown.
                Jennifer Jacobsen Gallery Director
                6764 Folsom Blvd.
                Sacramento, CA 95820

               The Writer's Brush, a display of art created by writers. Jan. 2010
               Jennifer Pickering, curator
               Sacramento Poetry Center
               2600 R. St. Sacraento  95816

              Spring Art Show, Guenoc Winery, Middletown CA.   May 2008
              Bobby Wallace, Coordinator
              Artist showed a series of his human figure drawings.

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